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Luigi Bernardis
    • Luigi Bernardis

    • Managing Partner - Solicitor & Abogado
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Il Nuovo Regime dei Costi fissi nella Procedura Civile inglese

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Cosa sono i costi fissi recuperabili? I costi fissi recuperabili (CFR) rappresentano un importo fisso che la parte vincitrice di una controversia civile ha il diritto di recuperare dalla parte soccombente in...

Spousal maintenance and division of assets on divorce in England and Wales

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Am I entitled to spousal maintenance? Do I have to pay spousal maintenance to my ex? The following questions will be relevant in determining whether or not you are entitled to spousal maintenance: - What are your...

Provvedimenti cautelari in Inghilterra - domande e risposte

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1. Che cos'è un'ingiunzione ( injunction )? Un'ingiunzione è un'ordinanza della corte che vieta a una parte di fare qualcosa, detta ingiunzione proibitiva, o le impone di fare...

Questions & Answers on Urgent Injunctions

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What is an injunction? An injunction is a court order that prohibits a party from doing something, called a prohibitory injunction, or requires them to do something, called a mandatory...

Come ottenere un divorzio in Inghilterra e nel Galles

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Le coppie sposate residenti in Inghilterra e nel Galles possono ora chiedere il divorzio senza dover attribuire una colpa ad uno a all'altro dei coniugi. Infatti, e' ora possibile presentare una domanda di divorzio congiunta. Il...

Trade mark and Passing Off

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What is a trade mark? Trade marks are registered marks such as a name, a word, a slogan, a logo, a symbol, a design, an image, a sound, a shape, a colour, even a signature, or a combination of any of these, used by a party, usually a business, to...

Mediation in Civil Cases

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Of the several issues that undermine the civil justice system, the perceived failure to provide efficient and expedite justice is a pressing concern (Genn, 2010). Towards the end of the twentieth century, as budgets cutting and legal expenditures were...

Los cinco fases del proceso de litigio ingles

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El litigio civil puede ser un negocio largo y costoso. En algunos países los procedimientos judiciales pueden tardar años en llegar a una conclusión, mientras que en otros puede ser más veloz, pero su coste puede llegar a ser...

Cobro de deudas en Inglaterra

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El cobro de deudas en Inglaterra es un proceso ágil y eficaz, pero a veces, debido a la diversidad del sistema jurídico y de las herramientas disponibles, un cliente extranjero con una deuda con una empresa o persona inglesa se enfrenta a...


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Sono passati ormai piu di due mesi dall’entrata in funzione dell’accordo di partenariato tra Unione Europea e Regno Unito (seppur penda ancora la ratifica da parte del Parlamento Europeo). Un grande assente del trattato...

Il recupero dei crediti in Inghilterra.

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Il recupero crediti in Inghilterra consta di procedure snelle ed efficaci ma talvolta, anche a causa della diversità del sistema giuridico e degli strumenti messi a disposizione da quest’ultimo, il cliente italiano che vanta un credito nei...

Coronavirus and Commercial Leases: What has changed so far?

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Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Landlords and Tenants are under extreme pressure to maintain their obligations under the terms of their commercial leases. Restrictions have been placed on Landlords’ remedies under the Coronavirus Act 2020 and...


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If you are thinking to apply for an injunction, you may find this article appealing. First and foremost, what is an injunction? It is a Court order granted by the Court against a company or person pending trial (known as interim injunctions) or...

The Importance of ADR

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In this second article, we will look at the reasons why it is important to consider and respond to a proposal to enter into alternative dispute resolution (“ADR”) as a method of resolving the dispute. As we set out in our ...

COVID-19 and Commercial Leases, what is next?

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Beyond the forfeiture moratorium and possible options available – negotiations, break clause, surrender, force majeure and frustration. Social distances and the nationwide lockdown introduced to tackle the spread of COVID-19 are undoubtedly...

Alternative Dispute Resolution, a general overview

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Where the parties to a conflict reach an impasse, one party may, through his solicitor or by himself, apply to the court to force a conclusion to the conflict. This is called issuing proceedings. These proceedings are then served on the other party...

A very happy client.. even happier!

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We won at the Intellecutal Property Enterprise Court last year.. and the judgment was confirm earlier this year by the Court of Appeal! The client is over the moon! ...

Successione ab intestato (senza testamento) in Inghilterra

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Nel caso di una successione di un cittadino italiano deceduto in Inghilterra è importante notare come il diritto internazionale privato inglese sarà applicato per determinare la legge applicabile alla devoluzione del patrimonio del de...

Internal Disputes Within Companies

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Shareholders are often involved in disputes within the companies of which they are members. Under English law, if shareholders wish to complain about perceived irregularities within the company, there are three main ways in which...

A very happy client

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Success in court is always sweet, particularly after a hard-fought case! We held our ground until the end and justice was served the way we predicted: ...

Direct Foreign Investment in Brazil - Financial Market

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In Brazil, “international capital” can have two legal definitions: (a) foreign capital in Brazil and (b) Brazilian capital abroad. The following comprehend only legal matters related to the internalization of foreign capital in the Brazilian...

Breve guida agli accordi post-nuziali nel diritto inglese

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Il presente documento fornisce orientamenti generali in merito agli accordi successivi al matrimonio. Il vostro avvocato di famiglia sarà in grado di fornirvi una consulenza specifica in base alle vostre circostanze. Che...

Le cinque fasi del procedimento civile in Inghilterra e nel Galles

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Le controversie civili insturante dinanzi l’Autorità Giudiziaria possono rivelarsi lunghe e costose. In alcuni paesi, i procedimenti giudiziari richiedono molti anni prima di giungere ad una conclusione definitiva, mentre in altre...

The five stages of the English litigation process

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Civil litigation can be a lengthy and costly business. In some countries court proceedings can take years to come to a conclusion, whereas in some others litigation can be faster, but the costs of it can in some cases be prohibitive. The English...

Breve introduzione al diritto di proprieta' immobiliare inglese

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Nel sistema giuridico inglese, quando parliamo di proprietà immobiliare, ci riferiamo al possesso di un estate (tenuta). La Corona inglese è la reale proprietaria dei territori d’Inghilterra e del Galles (anche se ormai...